Supporting transformative change towards a regenerative future

A paradigm shift on a global scale is urgently needed. Dominant linear, reductionist and mechanistic approaches are not only inadequate but can be harmful.


We partner with change agents working towards a regenerative future for our planet and society and support you on an exploratory path to design transformative initiatives, monitor your progress and capture your impact.


We need to challenge our existing paradigms and develop our adaptive capacity to proactively take action despite great uncertainty and complexity

We use systems thinking and visual methods to help change agents capture and map processes, stakeholders, and influences related to your situation of interest. We focus on adaptive approaches to strategy, design and evaluation to help you better address the dynamic and often complex interplay of relationships, influences and uncertainty which is often present in social and environmental change processes.

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Ready to take the next step?

We partner with change agents to help you build up your own capacity to design and innovate for effective change. We use complexity-aware and adaptive approaches to help you better capture emergent opportunities, trends, and changes related to your project, initiative or program. We offer a process oriented, whole systems approach to help you create resilient and equitable solutions that integrate the needs of society with the integrity of nature. We help you develop the learning systems necessary to improve and adjust your projects and other efforts, track your progress and capture your impact.

“Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.”

— Barack Obama


Let’s create the future we want together.


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